What if you had an opportunity to create beautiful felt in different techniques? What if you made consistent time to create and were part of a community of felt enthusiasts inspiring each other?

Do you buy feltmaking materials & not sure what to do next?

It doesn’t need to be so hard. I want to share my feltmaking practices with you that make felting more fun and more successful.
Join Felt With Lena Club Today:
When you join Felt With Lena Club, you embark on a journey to:
- Develop Excellent Feltmaking Habits: Start crafting with confidence as you cultivate essential feltmaking skills and techniques.
- Choose from 50 Feltmaking Techniques: Access a treasure trove of knowledge and select from a wide array of techniques to bring your felt creations to life.
- Experience Unwavering Support: Be a part of our welcoming feltmaking community, where you'll find encouragement, inspiration, and camaraderie to fuel your creative passions.
- Share and Receive Feedback: Showcase your incredible work, gain valuable insights, and connect with fellow enthusiasts as you share your feltmaking journey with us.
Join us at Felt With Lena Club and unlock a world of possibilities in the vibrant realm of feltmaking. Let's create beautiful felt together!

Welcome To Player Snips
Please watch the getting started video below before you begin using your new superpowers
Social proof: testimonials
“Lena is amazing teacher. She listens to students, and shapes classes / Zoom meetings based on what we want to learn. It has really been wonderful, and I a complete beginner!”

“At first, I was a bit skeptical of the benefits about joining Lena‘s club. I thought the membership fee was a bit steep particularly since I had already had already purchased a number of Lena’s courses. However, I was convinced of the value by realizing that I would be joining a community. I would have access to lots of other felters and Lena‘s expertise as well as the whole library of Lena‘s courses. Membership has turned out to be one of the best felting experiences I have had, not only do you have access to a dedicated Facebook group, but Lena has been dedicated to holding biweekly zoom meetings for both the European and Australian time zones. These meetings are really quite amazing - people show their work, bring up problems they have had, share solutions, and Lena is always there, totally engaged, with solutions. Best felting investment I have ever made. ”

“Lena, you are doing a great job... you inspire and encourage us perfectly. Your advice and videos are great. I think the zoom meetings are also very good. There is a wealth of information in your library and it is certainly worth the subscription. ”

“First thank you for all you are doing for us students. I feel very lucky to be able part of your felt club. Besides the classes I especially like the zoom meetings. It really gives me the feeling of belonging to a group. There I have a place to ask questions in person. I always learn from everybody.”

“It is a great learning opportunity for those who want to be feltmakers or consider some new techniques for their current feltmaking exercises. ”

“I am more than happy with the club and the contents. I am still working on my cotton gauze projects and my pebbles (after my 2 curtains I need to make a rug for my oldest son) and I am looking forward to each new project, upcycling, recycling etc. Just go on! I just love the club. Best greetings from La Suisse”

“I like that we support each other to keep making felt. Most valuable thing I get from your membership is how to make patterns enlarge from pattern. This alone was my BEST gift from you! Thank you for Our group, I appreciate what you do and share. ”

“I love how you teach and enjoy all the halo you gave me on my felting journey. ”

“I am so happy of all your knowledge and this group. I completely agree with the words of praise that several members expressed yesterday. There was one woman in particular who (unfortunately can't remember her name) described that your group was the light of her life this year. She had a tough time this year with her health etc. That's how it is for me too. The membership of your group is the light of my life. Your group is completely different from other online courses. How amazingly much you give us, of both time, commitment and knowledge and support! You are amazing Lena!”