Zoom Meeting 21.10.23 - We started a conversation about pricing and selling.
Zoom Meeting 05/11/23: Pricing & Selling
Pricing & Selling Presentation
Zoom Meeting 21/11/202
Zoom Meeting 25/11/23. We talked about dyeing felt, and
Zoom Meeting 03/12/23. Q&A
Zoom Meeting 9/12/23
Zoom Meeting 14/01/2024
Zoom Meeting 20/01/2024
Zoom Meeting 28/01/24 - Conversation about dyes and how to turn your mistake into a design feature.
Zoom Meeting 10/02/2024
Zoom Meeting 18/02/2024
Zoom meeting 25/02/24
Zoom meeting 09/03/24
Zoom meeting 17/03/24
Zoom Meeting 24/03/24
Zoom Meeting 06/04/24
Zoom 21/04/24
Zoom meeting 28/04/24
Zoom, 19/05/24
Zoom, 26/05/24
Zoom, 16/06/24
Zoom, 25/06/24
Zoom, 14/07/2024
Zoom, 03/08/2024
Zoom, 25/08/2024
Zoom, 15/09/24
Zoom, 22/09/24
Zoom, 29/09/24
Zoom, 6/10/24
Zoom, 13/10/2024. The unlisted YouTube link: https://youtu.be/GG3wxvjsbeo
Zoom 03/11/2024
Zoom 08/12/2024 (the file is very large and I can only share via unlisted YouTube). If you can not open via my website, please copy and paste in your browser: https://youtu.be/7Hc0M4oFYoE
Zoom 15/12/2024
05/01/2025 - talking about botanical print
19/01/2025 - talking about botanical print
Facebook Lives
Facebook Live. Materials 10 questions in 10 minutes. 07/12/22
Felting Connections Exhibition - An Artist Talk
Zoom Meeting- Extract from Felting connections Exhibition - An Artist Talk