Nuno Felt for Beginners. Autumn Leaves Nuno Felted Scarf
This class is suitable for a complete beginner or anyone who would like to make an autumn leaves nuno felted scarf with tassels.
Bundle: Feltmaking for beginners. Let's make felt and nuno felt
This bundle includes all information for you to start wet felting. This includes: Feltmaking Fundamentals, and nuno felt. The bundle also has many tips how to felt effectively using different techniques. Buy the bundle and save £10.
Feltmaking Fundamentals. Let's get basics right
Print on Silk with Leaves + Versatile Nuno Felted Waistcoat
Save £36 buying this bundle. You can print with leaves on silk creating beautiful fabrics. You can also use printed samples adding wool and fibre to create a beautiful felted waistcoat.
Let's dye, print with leaves and felt it.
This bundle includes 2 courses, 'Medium & Botanical Print' and 'A Simple Way to Create a Felted Lace'. Buying two courses together, will save you £36. This amazing work as shown on the picture was created by Sheryl Macleod.
A Simple Way to Create a Felted Lace
Use scraps of silk, silk you might printed with leaves or dyed yourself, add merino wool and fibre and create unique projects.