Lace shawl with fleeces
Let's create a summer shawl with 3D wool locks affect on silk. This technique could be used on its own or as garments embellishment.
Felted Ruffle Scarf - Playing with colours
Welcome to the Felted Ruffle Scarf online class. You will be able to create a fine and structured double sided felted ruffle scarf achieving different effects on both sides.
Cobweb Scarf / Shawl with Fleeces
Let's cobweb with fleeces and silk. A stylish cobweb scarf or a shawl. This class is suitable for beginners.
Let's Felt Cobweb Scarves
Let's create cobweb scarves. You will be able to create cobweb scarves with holes and without, using different wool and fibre for embellishment.
Felted Collar With Shibori-Playing With Colours
Let's create a felted collar with various shibori while using leftovers from felting projects.
Felted Tote Asymmetrical Bag
Create a modern and versatile felted bag. This class is packed with various embellishment techniques which are applicable to other feltmaking projects.